Thursday, December 16, 2010

What could I be if not for you...

Is it really important to have someone who can
appreciate our creativity and relish our creation.

Kids who can savour the delicacies we dish out.
And, in the process, enhance our own self worth
and help bring to fore all of our latent talents.

Siblings who are wowed by our choice of words,
shots, strokes, pictures, poems, stories, movies,
novels, music. Just about anything.

How do those who accept our gifts and enjoy our
chocolates and cakes and everything else matter?

Friends whom we depend on for gossip, advice, fun.
And, even for a lap or a shoulder which sees us
through tough times.
Friends with whom we share a bond that sometimes
don’t just exist in marriages and families.
Thank them for making us what we are today.

They are not just another souls on the Earth.
They are a part of our souls.
They are the ones who complete us.
And, make us feel whole, good, wanted.
Worthy of existence.

That’s how much these other poles of our souls matter.

How can they think that they are just about
a normal someone. 

A mere existence in the cosmos.

Let them ask us. 

A someone to whom they mean the world.
Someone they complete. Someone whose life,
even if only in some ways depends on them.

And, they’ll know their worth.

What could we be if not for them...

Dedicated to all those souls who make me a whole!!!
Thanks for making my life worthwhile!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Laws of Love

Law of Imbalance
In a relationship one will always love more than the other.

Law of Gravity
Whosoever loves more is always weighed down and is trampled upon.

Law of Conservation
Love can never be destroyed. It only changes its form. When your BF ditches you you start loving your near and dear ones more because of the support that they give you.

Law of Availability
If you have the capacity to love you'll shower love on anyone you want. Whether they want it or not is another topic of debate.

Law of Non-Reciprocation
If you really, really, really love someone so badly that it hurts it will remain unreciprocated.

Law of Irritation
There will always be someone who'll love you so badly that it'll irritate.

Law of Realization
When you've lost someone who loved you to someone else you'll realise that you loved that someone so very badly.

Law of Strength
When someone you love loves you back you become beautiful, confident and dignified to yourself.

Law of Growth
No experience in the world helps us grow as much as falling, being and losing out in love does.

Law of Pleasant Pain
Love hurts like nothing else does yet this one pain is worth more than all the pleasures put together.

Law of Hurt
Only those who are in a one-sided relationship can love till it hurts coz in a complete relationship no one lets the other come to the point where it hurts.

More to come later...;)

Live Life King Size

Make the most of now. And, remember that life is too short to be mad at something or someone.